OP83: Resistance NL needs a boat

OP83: Resistance NL needs a boat

Help Resistance Netherlands to get control in the Biesbosch near Dordecht/Rotterdam. We want to fund the purchase of a Zodiac (or similar) boat. We need it to get permanent 24/7 access to the portals that are only accessible by boat. Those portals are increasingly being used by Enlightened as an anchor for big (international) fields. Of course we will make the boat available for every Resistance operation.

We will use the money raised to buy a used boat. We aim for €600,- but we hopefully can find one for a bit less. Any money left after the purchase will be used for life jackets, maintenance and fuel. Local agents will cover these items if there is nothing left after purchasing the boat. They will also take care of a safe storage place as well as the transport.

Earn a chance to win an IRFN patch! See details.
Winner: Jordfantom (Onyx)

Current Status: [totaldonations-progress-bar campaign=”OP83: Resistance NL needs a boat” button=”no” text=”yes”]

3 thoughts on “OP83: Resistance NL needs a boat

  1. Good luck Resistance NL! I see that you’d already met your target, but extra cash will help with other things…
    Please make the skies over the UK blue with some awesome fields!

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