OP123: A Northern Affair
A couple of weeks into the #DarkXMCure challenge, agents in Ireland and Scotland got the ping from @Azhreia they’d been [hoping for/dreading] — it’s time to make a link, and it has to go from Glasgow city centre, to Kanturk.
All together now: where on earth is Kanturk???
Having found it, the rest of the planning began in earnest: keys would have to move between countries, blockers from islands needed to drop, and they were going to need people up hills, whatever the weather, to force this path through.
In the end the link didn’t go up – some signal issues and an eager and vigilant frog made all the difference in the end — but please help these agents make back some of the cost of their valiant effort!
[metaslider id=”2691″]
IRFN patch winner: Chicken3gg (Bronze).
Current Status: Fully funded, thank you! [totaldonations-progress-bar campaign=”OP123: A Northern Affair” button=”no” text=”yes”]