OP133: Griend
For a while now, the North of the Netherlands as well as parts of the UK, Iceland, etc were blocked by Enlightened links from a remote Dutch island. Since Enlightened was heavily using this portal as an anchor for permafielding Dutch mainland, some brave local agents decided to make a stand and to try and break free from the green oppression.
They traveled by boat to an island near Griend and rented a plane to do a fly-by flip. Due to speedlock, it took a couple of passes to finally flip the portal to blue. A very exciting trip since some of them had never flown before.
[metaslider id=”3218″]
IRFN patch winner: MandragorDE (Bronze).
Current Status: Fully funded, thank you! [totaldonations-progress-bar campaign=”OP133: Griend” button=”no” text=”yes”]